Poitín, Whiskey and Gin, these are the spirits of Ireland…

Our tutored, immersive tastings take you through the history of distillation in Ireland right through to the present day, with an exploration of six spirits, including the four types of Irish Whiskey - Single Grain, Single Malt, Blended, and the quintessential Single Pot Still. Sessions are led by the award-winning Dead Rabbit team, with the opportunity to blend your own Irish Whiskey.

Whether you’re a curious drinker, aspiring expert or a dedicated spirits enthusiast, this course has something for you. Join us for food, spirits, cocktails and, of course - an Irish Coffee to finish.

From 1324 to 2023, these are the spirits of Ireland, and this is their story. Sláinte.

person taking a photo of a cocktail glass

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